The Arrival – Spohr Publishers Ltd

The Arrival


We are happy to tell you that the book of The Forty Questions, Prophet Muhammad’s (s) Response to the Jews of Medina, has arrived at our place in Cyprus. It was one of Hajja Anne's most beloved books, and after twenty years hereby we are to release this important book in a new edition, al-hamdu li-Llâh! Shaykh Efendi has been given some of the very first publisher's copies of the book, the printer has sent to us before they, palletised, started their journey to the United Kingdom and Cyprus. And Mehmet Nazim, his grandson, told me that our Shaykh likes the new book very much. And one of the first of the readers in UK has been so happy with the book that he ordered just another one. Everyone is free to do the same. :-)

By Salim Spohr | | 1026 comments
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    How to get on the Dark Web Technically, this is not a difficult process. You simply need to install and use Tor. Go to and download the Tor Browser, which contains all the required tools. Run the downloaded file, choose an extraction location, then open the folder and click Start Tor Browser. That’s it. The Vidalia Control Panel will automatically handle the randomised network setup and, when Tor is ready, the browser will open; just close it again to disconnect from the network.

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